6/22/24 – Modulating and Transposing Workshop

Got the recording free of Zoom overlays for this one. Learning new things all the time! Enjoy.

Transposition chart PDF download

Top comments

  1. What’s the first tune you’re going to transpose?

  2. Just finished a second viewing of this workshop after several months and am inspired to practice modulating between keys. There are songs that I’ve learned in a given key and I want to challenge myself to think on the fly. One that comes to mind is “Maui Girl”, which I learned in A Major and want to try modulating to Bb and back again. Also want to try the easier keys of C to D, G, and F. :_ukulele:
    Thanks for making these workshops and live lessons available for reviewing. Money well spent. Mahalo nui loa.

  3. Spent the morning figuring out and fiddling around in the key of Bb. Great exercises for the brain before coffee.
    First wrote out the notes of the key by walking up the fretboard on the A string.
    W W H W W W H
    Bb C D Eb F G A Bb
    Then wrote down the Chords of the key.
    M m m M M m dim
    Bb Cm Dm Eb F Gm Adim

    Then sequenced the I-IV-V7-I for a while
    Bb, Eb, F7, Bb

    Next figured out the Hawaiian turnaround
    ii7, V7, I
    C7, F7, Bb

    Also tried sequencing the scale from different places on the fretboard, and playing the I-IV-V-I in 1st position and 5th position.
    Still challenging to get those tricky barre chords under my fingers. Understanding them in my head and playing them smoothly are certainly two very distinctly different matters. The best part is that I managed to do all of this without opening a book or checking a digital file. Just me, my uke, a pen and paper. :_ukulele: :musical_score: :musical_note:

    Brad, I cannot thank you enough for all the information that I have acquired over the past couple of years with all of your valuable resources. Every day brings new insight and experience.

  4. Your approach is right on the money, Bob! Glad you’ve cracked the code and are able to figure this stuff out on your own without any external input.

    Happy that you’re able to continue getting value from this lesson.

  5. Well, I’m happy with my ability to analyze and “think it through”. Now I just have to keep focusing on timing and intuiting the emotional side of actually making music. Much more “woodshedding” ahead.

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