Lesson 12 – Extreme Sequencing!!!

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Top comments

  1. Post your flex videos and show off your sequences!

  2. On an exploratory outing today I jumped ahead into the advanced lessons to get a taste of what was in store. :musical_note: :_ukulele: The Extreme Sequencing lesson was a wonderful excercise that I will start incorporating in my daily scale practice. :musical_keyboard: I now understand that I don’t have stop at each lesson in this course until I’ve “mastered” it. There is so much to explore and keep returning to whatever I’m working on.

  3. It all cross-polinates. You’re going to be shredding at kani ka pila in May!

  4. Really like the Extreme Sequencing lesson. These are great exercises that stimulate the imagination and are conveniently practiced when there are holes in the schedule where there are a couple of otherwise unoccupied minutes. When I do home exercises, for instance, I practice riffs and scales between workout sets, and will add sequencing as well. This is really fun, thanks.

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