Lesson 3b – The Chromatic System

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  • Thomas Frauenhofer Dec 15, 2022

    Love the course so far. One thing I wish was that the web page was organized so that you could scroll the text underneath the video while the video stayed on screen (make the text underneath its own scroll area). The content is great, and your presentation is really good.

    • Brad Bordessa Dec 15, 2022

      Aloha Thomas,

      That’s a good thought, but it’s unrealistic for me to pull that off with the complexity it adds to the page. While not ideal now, I know that the video DOES display correctly across almost all devices. Adding a scroll feature would be much harder to “get right” on a multitude of screens.

      Sounds like a perfect idea for if or when I make an app!!! (Don’t hold your breath!) ;-) Cheers,


  • Thomas Frauenhofer Dec 15, 2022

    That’s fine, that’s what I figured was the reason. Nice features always add complexity to the code and add potential error. (Giving away I’m a software engineer by day, aren’t I? )

    Thanks for the reply!