Lesson 9 – “Canon in D”

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  1. This has been the most challenging lesson so far and also the must fun. I have been doing my own version of “Canon in D” for a while but couldn’t figure out everything that I wanted to do with it. This lesson fills that gap and I have been working on it for nearly two weeks. It is coming along well, but will be a while before I can play it smoothly and at speed, but each time I practice it, the song becomes more fun to play. In the meantime I will continue with subsequent lessons. Thanks.

  2. This is definitely not an easy song at performance tempo, but it’s a great piece for walking up through faster and faster tempos as you improve. For me it was one of those breakthrough songs that shouldn’t really be too hard, but was enough of a steady challenge that it really made everything after a lot easier to play.

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  • Sherman Mui Jul 15, 2022

    In the first several measures there are a lot of 2nd frets in a row. It looks like you are barring them as it goes from 3 or 4th string up but staying on the 2nd fret. It seems somewhat useful in other parts to move less. Is this something good to practice here too?

    • Brad Bordessa Jul 15, 2022

      I’m not sure I understand the question 100%. Feel free to clarify so I can give you better direction on this.

      I am playing with a barre for much of the first few measures. However, this arrangement intentionally makes some note changes more difficult to play because of the position for the sake of the lesson. So take everything with a grain of salt.

      There are many cases where are barre can be useful when playing back-to-back notes on the same fret across different strings. But there are also situations where this will lock up your mobility. Practice it here and try it both ways when you apply it somewhere new. As always, use whatever feels the most natural.