Which style do you find RHT to be most useful for: strumming or picking technique?
I love strumming the ‘ukulele, but not until I started learning finger picking did the instrument take on a whole new dimension for me. Building my finger independence and dexterity by learning “Travis Picking” variations and flourishes like the fan strum, and chucking has made my practice more enjoyable and added the ability and confidence to play melodies. So much to learn and practice. So much fun!
Are you familiar with Daniel Ward’s Arpeggio Meditations? One of the best fingerpicking exercise books I know of.
I am aware of Heidi Swedberg and Daniel Ward both Los Angeles based uke instructors. However I’ve not yet run across his arpeggios book.
I just looked at a few videos of Daniel’s Arpeggio Meditations book and his Melodic Meditations book. Both seem very helpful at keeping time with the right hand while coordinating the movement of the left hand in order to keep the notes ringing in a legato and avoiding staccato playing. Thanks for the suggestion.
Brad, thanks again for the recommendation. I’ve ordered Daniel’s Arpeggio Meditations book. By the way, have you heard his version of Aloha ‘oe? I was surprised to find that on his website as I did not know that he recorded Hawaiian Mele as well.
I think you’ll like the book.
That song was a surprise to me too. I really liked that whole album.
Having spent a few days practicing from Daniel’s Arpeggio Meditations book has been wonderful. It has really helped me to get off the page and really listen to what sounds I am producing and how to really focus on my “talking hand”. Paying closer attention to 1) Tempo, 2) Rhythm and 3) Dynamics. But also the clarity of notes produced by my left hand fingering of the frets.
That’s great, Bob! Glad you’re enjoying it. It will keep you busy. The more advanced pieces are pretty complex.
Daniel’s book will definitely keep me busy for some time, as will your lessons for many, many years to come. Mahalo nui loa
Which style do you find RHT to be most useful for: strumming or picking technique?
I love strumming the ‘ukulele,
but not until I started learning finger picking did the instrument take on a whole new dimension for me. Building my finger independence and dexterity by learning “Travis Picking” variations and flourishes like the fan strum, and chucking has made my practice more enjoyable and added the ability and confidence to play melodies. So much to learn and practice. So much fun! 
Are you familiar with Daniel Ward’s Arpeggio Meditations? One of the best fingerpicking exercise books I know of.
I am aware of Heidi Swedberg and Daniel Ward both Los Angeles based
uke instructors. However I’ve not yet run across his arpeggios book.
I just looked at a few videos of Daniel’s Arpeggio Meditations book and his Melodic Meditations book. Both seem very helpful at keeping time with the right hand while coordinating the movement of the left hand in order to keep the notes ringing in a legato and avoiding staccato playing. Thanks for the suggestion.
Brad, thanks again for the recommendation. I’ve ordered Daniel’s Arpeggio Meditations book. By the way, have you heard his version of Aloha ‘oe? I was surprised to find that on his website as I did not know that he recorded Hawaiian Mele as well.
I think you’ll like the book.
That song was a surprise to me too. I really liked that whole album.
Having spent a few days practicing from Daniel’s Arpeggio Meditations book has been wonderful. It has really helped me to get off the page and really listen to what sounds I am producing and how to really focus on my “talking hand”. Paying closer attention to 1) Tempo, 2) Rhythm and 3) Dynamics. But also the clarity of notes produced by my left hand fingering of the frets.
That’s great, Bob! Glad you’re enjoying it. It will keep you busy. The more advanced pieces are pretty complex.
Daniel’s book will definitely keep me busy for some time, as will your lessons for many, many years to come. Mahalo nui loa