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Take Your Soloing Up a Notch!

Join Brad and Joey for a musical lesson on what makes an improvisation tick and how to make any solo better.

  • Sit in on a pro musician-to-musician lesson
  • Joey asks questions, Brad answers
  • Practical jam demonstrations
  • 80+ minutes of HD video

In this masterclass video lesson, I’m joined by my friend, Joey Bradley, for a one-on-one session on soloing.

Joey is a wonderful, confident vocalist and performer, but wants to work on improving his improvising on the ukulele. In this 80 minute improptu lesson, we dissect his soloing efforts and discuss ways that he – and anyone – can bring this skill to life.

The Format

This is Live Ukulele’s first “masterclass” production: A private lesson conducted for the benefit of the student, but filmed for the enjoyment of all.

In this style of lesson, you’re a fly on the wall, learning from Joey’s first-hand experience as he works through my suggestions.

The masterclass presentation style isn’t as prominent as it once was when VHS and DVDs were our main media. However, they have a great organic progression and vibrance that can’t be replicated in an online course setting.

Watching the on-screen student discover and understand the content in their own way makes for a very engaging learning experience for 3rd party viewers.

The Lesson

Joey came to my studio with a handful of questions to ask and goals to work towards. These guide the session.

  • “How do I avoid noodling aimlessly?”
  • “Can I create a solo in my mind and put it onto the ukulele?”
  • “What sorts of signature sounds do I want to play?”
  • “How much do I need to plan before playing?”
  • “Can I really play a solo with only one or two notes?”

These are just a few of the subjects we touch on in the lesson.

Joey’s personal ability and trajectory heavily influenced the course of the lesson, but I think we covered the main concepts that are important for every improviser.

Who it’s for

Since Joey comes to the lesson with many decades of musical experience, we jump right into the deep end and begin exploring practical concepts right away.

If you’re a raw beginner at improvising, you probably want to start a little slower with my workshop on the subject.

However, if you’ve already spent some time improvising or are an intermediate player, most of the music we talk about should be accessible.

I really wanted to share this lesson so folks who were feeling overwhelmed or stuck in their soloing could be inspired and break through to the next level of comfort.

What You Get

When you buy Soloing Masterclass, you get:

  1. Access to 80+ minutes of on-demand, HD video instruction.
  2. Three backing tracks in different styles and keys
  3. Access to a community thread where you can discuss the lesson and your own soloing challenges
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One-time payment – Forever access

About Joey

Joey is a great musician who I met by happenstance when I bought his Mackie mixer via Craigslist. We hit it off right away and ever since have occasionally jammed, recorded, and performed together.

Turns out that in a past life Joey recorded a reggae album with The Roots RadixNever Let Go!

He performs his original music and an array of covers every Saturday night at Gill’s Lanai in Kapaʻau.

About Brad

I’ve been soloing since 2006 when I sat in on a class with Herb Ohta, Jr. He made us improvise over two chords and, even though I totally bombed, I was hooked.

A decade and a half later we played together at the Slack Key Show and he said of one of my solos: “Impressive. Very tasteful.” Guess I made some improvement!

My teaching on Live Ukulele and in person has allowed me to share my knowledge with thousands of people around the world. Improvising remains one of my favorite subjects because of how personal and multi-faceted it is.

Soloing Masterclass is a window into a warm, supportive lesson between friends. I hope you’ll join Joey and I in this exploration of one of the uke’s most fascinating subjects.

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One-time payment – Forever access