Real-World Ukulele Expertise

Backed by Brad Bordessa‘s almost 20 years of experience playing ukulele in the Hawaiian music scene, Live Ukulele provides one of the oldest, largest, and most experience-driven resources for learning to play the ukulele available online.

Live Ukulele will help you improve, not only as an ukulele player, but as a musician and an ambassador of our favorite four-stringed instrument.

Three Ways to Learn Ukulele

Live Ukulele’s primary resources

World-class ukulele video lessons and ebooks

Take your playing to the next level with premium ukulele resources from Brad Bordessa. These materials feature Brad’s unique and empowering teaching style, covering essential topics you need to succeed.

Browse premium lessons

Digital ukulele talk show

Get ukulele in your ears twice a month with The Live Ukulele Podcast, one of the web’s top-5 ukecasts. Join Brad for deep dives into critical concepts, commentary, and interviews with your favorite ukulele stars!

Listen now

Stretching all the way back to 2007, this collection of articles is one of the most comprehensive on the web. It features over 120 pages of information, not to mention countless TABs, videos, livestreams, and PDF materials.

Browse the lesson index

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