There’s a bluesy twang to be found on the ukulele and it is created by dominant 7th chords. Here you’ll find pictures, diagrams, & tab for the 12 main basic chord formations.
If you want to dive into more inversions and shapes you can look at this chart here or buy my awesome chord book, Ukulele Chord Shapes. In it I explain how to take all the chords you see on this page and move them across the fretboard. So all of a sudden C7 becomes 11 other chords too!
C Dominant 7th
One of the easiest 7th chords, C7 use only one finger on the 1st fret, A-string.
A |-1- E |-0- C |-0- G |-0-
C#/Db Dominant 7th
Play by barring the 1st fret with your index finger and placing your middle finger on the 2nd fret, A-string.
A |-2- E |-1- C |-1- G |-1-
D Dominant 7th
For this 7th chord, barre the 2nd fret with your middle finger and place your ring finger on the 3rd fret, A-string.
A |-3- E |-2- C |-2- G |-2-
The Hawaiian D7
A common variation on the D7 shown above is 2020. People call this the “Hawaiian” D7. Perhaps it’s because it sounds better in many Hawaiian contexts. I feel this is because it takes the b7 note out of the highest position, which can sound kind of twangy.
Fun fact: It’s not actually a D7. It’s an F# diminished (which, to be fair is PART of a D7….).
D#/Eb Dominant 7th
Just like D7, only moved up one fret.
A |-4- E |-3- C |-3- G |-3-
E Dominant 7th
Play like a G7, but move the index finger to the top string, 1st fret.
A |-2- E |-0- C |-2- G |-1-
F Dominant 7th
To play F7, start by holding an F major. Then add your ring finger on the 3rd fret, C-string and your pinky on the 3rd fret, A-string. An alternative is to leave the pinky off. This isnʻt a true 7th chord, but sounds close enough for most scenarios.
A |-3- E |-1- C |-3- G |-2-
F#/Gb Dominant 7th
Same as F7, just moved up one fret.
A |-4- E |-2- C |-4- G |-3-
G Dominant 7th
One of the most common ukulele chords, G7 has a distinct triangle shape. Index finger on the 1st fret, E-string; middle finger on the 2nd fret, C-string; ring finger on the 2nd fret A-string. Turn your wrist outwards to fit both fingers onto the same fret.
A |-2- E |-1- C |-2- G |-0-
G#/Ab Dominant 7th
Play G7 with your last three fingers and then add your index finger behind the nut on the G-string. Slide this whole thing up one fret to create a moveable shape and G#/Ab7. (More moveable shapes here)
A |-3- E |-2- C |-3- G |-1-
A Dominant 7th
Just stick your index finger on the 1st fret, C-string for this basic 7th ukulele chord.
A |-0- E |-0- C |-1- G |-0-
A#/Bb Dominant 7th
Barre across the 1st fret with your index finger and place your middle finger on the 2nd fret, C-string.
A |-1- E |-1- C |-2- G |-1-
B Dominant 7th
Just like A#/Bb7 only moved up one fret.
A |-2- E |-2- C |-3- G |-2-