Major Ukulele Chords – Chord Charts

Sometimes it’s hard to visualize a major ukulele chord using just a diagram box. Knowing which fingers go where from a picture can be very helpful.

The lightbulb always seems to go on for my students when they finally see me hold the chord. So while I can’t teach you ukulele in your living room, I took pictures of how to finger all of the open position major ukulele chords.

All the chords below are basic, open-string versions. If you’re a more advanced player, it’s useful to know some moveable shapes to complement them.

To learn more about moveable shapes you can watch my workshop or peruse my chord book.

C Major

The first chord most players learn to play, a C ukulele chord has a nice, open sound. Use your 3rd finger to hold the 3rd fret on the A-string.

c ukulele chord
c major ukulele chord
A |-3-
E |-0-
C |-0-
G |-0-

C#/Db Major

Barre across the 1st fret with your 1st finger and reach your 4th finger up to the 4th fret on the A-string.

c#/Db ukulele chord
c#/Db major ukulele chord
A |-4-
E |-1-
C |-1-
G |-1-

D Major

D can be fingered several ways on the ukulele.

  1. A partial-barre with your 2nd finger on the top three strings, 2nd fret (bend the finger backwards so that it lifts over the A-string.
  2. 1st finger on the top string, 2nd fret; 2nd finger on the C-string, 2nd fret; 3rd finger on the E-string, 2nd fret.
  3. A hybrid between the first two options: partial barre with the 2nd finger on the two top strings, 2nd fret; 3rd finger on the E-string, 2nd fret.
d ukulele chord
d major ukulele chord
A |-0-
E |-2-
C |-2-
G |-2-

D#/Eb Major

1st finger, 1st fret of the A-string; 3rd finger making a partial-barre on the top three strings, 3rd fret.

A variation of Eb/D# is to leave the top string open.

d#/eb ukulele chord
d#/eb major ukulele chord
A |-1-
E |-3-
C |-3-
G |-3-

E Major

A notorious “hard” fingering, the E ukulele chord has mediocre sound for the effort, but is used in plenty of songs. Fingered exactly the same as Eb, just up one fret.

A variation is to barre across the 4th fret with your 1st finger and reach your 4th finger up to fret the 7th fret, A-string. Or simply barre the 4th fret and DON’T play the A-string.

e ukulele chord
e major ukulele chord
A |-2-
E |-4-
C |-4-
G |-4-

More tips for playing E

F Major

Play with your 1st finger on the 1st fret of the E-string; 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the G-string.

f ukulele chord
f major ukulele chord
A |-0-
E |-1-
C |-0-
G |-2-

F#/Gb Major

Barre across the 1st fret with your 1st finger; 2nd finger on the 2nd fret, E-string; 3rd finger reaches up to the 3rd fret, G-string.

f#/gb ukulele chord
f#/gb major ukulele chord
A |-1-
E |-2-
C |-1-
G |-3-

G Major

Many people play G backwards in a way that’s hard on your wrist. Be sure that your 1st finger is closest to the ceiling, NOT the other way around.

1st finger on the 2nd fret, C-string; 2nd finger on the 2nd fret, A-string; 3rd finger on the 3rd fret, E-string.

g ukulele chord
g major ukulele chord
A |-2-
E |-3-
C |-2-
G |-0-

G#/Ab Major

Fret exactly like F#/Gb, but slide the shape up so that it starts on the 3rd fret.

g#/ab ukulele chord
g#/ab major ukulele chord
A |-3-
E |-4-
C |-3-
G |-5-

A Major

1st finger on the 1st fret of the C-string; 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the G-string.

a ukulele chord
a major ukulele chord
A |-0-
E |-0-
C |-1-
G |-2-

A#/Bb Major

Another “hard” chord – at least until you learn E major!

Partial-barre with the 1st finger on the two bottom strings, 1st fret; 2nd finger on the 2nd fret, C-string; 3rd finger on the 3rd fret, G-string.

a#/bb ukulele chord
a#/bb major ukulele chord
A |-1-
E |-1-
C |-2-
G |-3-

B Major

Same as Bb/A#, just moved up one fret.

b ukulele chord
b major ukulele chord
A |-2-
E |-2-
C |-3-
G |-4-

Want to Know Your Chords Better?

ukulele chord shapes cover

  • Memorize 2,200+ chords using only 189 shapes
  • Available for standard and baritone tunings
  • A beyond-the-basics chord reference
  • Detailed sections on theory

Learn More about Ukulele Chord Shapes

More ukulele chords:

Minor chords

7th chords

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